Friday, June 5, 2009

A Star is Born in Leiper's Fork

Fear: to feel anxious or apprehensive about a possible or probable situation or event. We all have fears. That little something deep down inside that tells us, “This might be painful. I should avoid this."

We say that people who face their fears are courageous. We celebrate with them overcoming fears and apprehensions. Fears can be real or imagined, but it doesn’t really matter because to the person experiencing it, it is reality.

Last night, we headed to Puckett’s in Leiper’s Fork again. A very small crowd had gathered for writer’s night. When I say small I mean about eight other song writers/performers. Days before Ken had decided (and announced- making it more difficult to back out) that he would sign up to play two original songs Thursday night. As the days progressed I am sure the fear was growing. The fear of playing in front of people is one thing, but to put yourself out there; your thoughts, your feelings, your “self”.

As teachers we try everyday to create classroom environments for children to take risks and put themselves out there: to get up in front of the class and read, do a skit, share a story. No matter how old you get, putting yourself out there takes you back to when you were nine and standing in front of your peers with people expecting you to open yourself for all to see.

Some thrive on this feeling, for others it is a sickening feeling. As for my husband, I am very proud of his courage. He opened himself freely to the warm and welcoming peers there and shared his heart for all the world to see.

Ken Hughes- You rock!

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